Tzvika, 50 years old, is married and the father of two. He lives in Israel’s north and has been receiving vocational rehab services in Bayit Cham’s Shacharit program for three years.
When he first came to Galit, his expert vocational coach at Bayit Cham, he was troubled and frustrated after he’d been discharged from the hospital for a medical condition, and in the midst of a personal crisis. Beyond that, he was unemployed and his home situation was complex and tense. He really wanted to help himself but didn’t know how or where to start.
At soon as Galit start working with him, together they built a personal development plan in which they set big goals and small objections towards achieving success. The first step for Tzvika was to get a job that matched his capabilities at that time. He started out as a newspaper distributor for “Yisrael Hayom”. Galit worked with Tzvika on important employment and life skills such as motivation, perseverance, financial management, responsibility, increasing emotional resilience, and more, one step at a time. Tzvika began to return to a more balanced life – emotionally, medically (he lost 30 kg. / 66 lb.!), within the family, and financially.
Tzvika continued to blossom and progress. Very recently, he felt that he was ready to advance further. With Galit’s help, Tzvika left ‘Yisrael Hayom’ and now works in security, netting 3 times (!) what he had earned at his previous job. Tzvika is content and delighted, both for the amazing process he had undergone, and his impressive achievements. We are so proud of Tzvika and thank Galit Mor-Yosef for her professional, humane work, promoting such growth.
We have witnessed Tzvika’s breakthrough from bondage to freedom ❤️.